Today's guest blogger is the talented (and Canadian) Barbara from
Hodge Podge by Markova Design!
It's exciting to be visiting Tiffany's blog today sharing one of my favourite pieces of furniture in my home. Hodge Podge by Markova Design!
Last year after we switched the kids' bedrooms around, our middle child, J, who is now a 16 year old blonde eyed beauty, moved into a bright and sunny room. It is one of my favourite rooms in the house, as I have stepped out of my comfort zone and embraced colours I normally don't use in my house. We have been using her room as a design lab and are thrilled with the results.
The first pop of colour was on this amazing night table, that had seen better days, I found on Craigslist for only $25!
It had a sad 70's laquer top that was quite scuffed. After a good sanding, some primer and a fresh coat of Spectra Blue, 2049-50, by Benjamin Moore, it looks amazing against the dark brown and cream stripes of J's walls. I decided the leave the original hardware as-is, as I loved the patina and style.
So if you are ever feeling daring and adventurous with colour, try it on small pieces for great visual impact! Thanks again for having me visit Tiffany. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
XO Barbara
Thank you so much for sharing Barbara, such an amazing transformation! Your daughter is a lucky girl to have such a gorgeous bedroom (and talented mama). Be sure to check out her blog!
Thank you so much for sharing Barbara, such an amazing transformation! Your daughter is a lucky girl to have such a gorgeous bedroom (and talented mama). Be sure to check out her blog!

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