Welcome everyone! (Feels a bit silly saying this when I am fully aware that no one knows my blog exists...yet).

I've decided to start blogging as a way of exploring the new direction that my life has taken the past year and a half.
Okay... so the story goes like this:
Summer of 2010, I was living what some might call a content life. It was ordinary, comfortable, and I didn't question the path that I was taking in my personal life or in my professional life. I was on track to getting my undergrad degree and continuing on to teacher's college, I didn't give it much thought.

And then, one day, when I totally wasn't looking for it, I met someone who taught me (word for word), that "you can't live life afraid of your own shadow".

Well, let me tell you something folks. He was right. Since that conversation I've done a lot of thinking about what it is that I want in life. And what I want, is to become an Interior Designer.

Before then, I had only been on a plane once when I was very small. I had not been to another Canadian province other than the one I live in. Since then, I've flown by myself three times to Halifax and back. I've completed a portfolio and been accepted to the design school of my dreams.

In other words, I am well on my way to leaving my beloved small town behind, and trying to make it in the big city. This is my journey, and I invite you along to see how it all turns out!

Love always,
Tiffany Leigh

ps. Everything here is still under major construction, but I hope to get it all more or less sorted out over the Christmas break. Feedback and comments always welcome :)


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